The links below contain information about the games Fortnite: Battle Royale and Roblox which are incredibly popular with young people at the moment.The information is designed to be positive and informative, rather than scaring parents. There is advice about the content, how to turn off chat, and where to get help and support.
Fortnite advice and Roblox advice.
The parents section of www.webwise.ie is very informative and updated regularly as new apps or games come out.
Fortnite advice and Roblox advice.
The parents section of www.webwise.ie is very informative and updated regularly as new apps or games come out.
It is very important in this growing digital age that parents are aware of any internet sites their children may be using, know how to set safe search controls etc.
Below is some information which may be useful to parents.
Explainer sheets for different apps/websites which children may be interested in using
Advice sheets for parents
How to sheets for parents
Parent Guide publications
Safe internet searching
Kidrex and Kiddle are two websites which are child friendly and only show up safe search results. It is recommended that you use one of these rather than Google.
If your child looks at YouTube videos on a tablet is is recommended that you install the YouTube Kids app. This is a free app and has features such as timer, search on/off and will only show child friendly videos.
Kids rules for online safety
It may be useful to establish some basic safety rules with your child for when they are online.
'A Parents Guide to Better Internet'
This is a publication which deals with a range of internet safety issues and tips for parents and children
Below is some information which may be useful to parents.
Explainer sheets for different apps/websites which children may be interested in using
Advice sheets for parents
How to sheets for parents
Parent Guide publications
Safe internet searching
Kidrex and Kiddle are two websites which are child friendly and only show up safe search results. It is recommended that you use one of these rather than Google.
If your child looks at YouTube videos on a tablet is is recommended that you install the YouTube Kids app. This is a free app and has features such as timer, search on/off and will only show child friendly videos.
Kids rules for online safety
It may be useful to establish some basic safety rules with your child for when they are online.
'A Parents Guide to Better Internet'
This is a publication which deals with a range of internet safety issues and tips for parents and children