Many of our classes are doing 'The Daily Mile' each day. The children from Room 12 measured the perimeter of the school in their Maths class and have devised a route around the school which is a mile long. For more information about the benefits of 'The Daily Mile' please see their website here.
Many of our classes are doing 'The Daily Mile' each day. The children from Room 12 measured the perimeter of the school in their Maths class and have devised a route around the school which is a mile long. For more information about the benefits of 'The Daily Mile' please see their website here.

We were delighted to have all our hard work recognised with the awarding of the GAA 5 Star Centre. Congratulations to all our classes for taking part in the 6 week programme and a special thanks to Ms Jill Higgins and the boys an girls in her 2nd class who committed to the programme for 26 weeks!
Thanks to John Holmes and Louise Keane for raising the flag and for all their work with the children during the year.
Karol Hobbins
We were delighted to have all our hard work recognised with the awarding of the GAA 5 Star Centre. Congratulations to all our classes for taking part in the 6 week programme and a special thanks to Ms Jill Higgins and the boys an girls in her 2nd class who committed to the programme for 26 weeks!
Thanks to John Holmes and Louise Keane for raising the flag and for all their work with the children during the year.
Karol Hobbins
Active Schools

Scoil an Linbh Íosa became an ‘Active School’ in 2012. This year we are renewing our Active Schools Flag. In order to achieve this, the whole school community will work together, to promote the physical activity of our pupils. We will undertake a programme of review and development of our Physical Education Programme.
As well as continuing with our current programme, we will have to show improvements in 4 different categories: Physical Education, Physical Activity, Partnerships, Active Schools Week.
Physical Education
Our aim in Scoil an Linbh Íosa is to provide a wide and varied physical health programme during allocated PE times, discretionary times and after-school activities. The children are introduced to a variety of sports such as hurling, Gaelic football, creative dance, Irish dance, aquatics and gymnastics during their time in our school.
Physical Activity
To promote physical activity further we have put several new initiatives in place in our school. To promote physical activity in the morning the children participate in Wake-Up Shake-Up every Tuesday and Thursday. To promote physical activity during the day the children participate in 10@10 every Friday morning. To promote physical activity at home the children have P.E homework every Wednesday.
We are very grateful to our PTA for providing us with the funding for the different coaches. We have strong links with our local GAA club also, that provides our hurling and football coaches.
Active Schools Week
This takes place throughout the country each Spring. The aims of Active Schools Week are:
- to raise awareness of the value and importance of Physical Education in primary schools
- to acknowledge the professional contribution of the class teacher as the driving force for PE activity in school
- to make explicit the learning opportunities afforded by PE
- to generate support and involvement of the wider school community
- to acknowledge the creativity, initiative and commitment of a school community to the promotion of a physically educated school population
- to promote enjoyment
- to promote maximum participation by children in physical education
- to promote gender equity
Below are a few photographs of some of the Active Schools activities we have been doing.