Frequently asked questions
Here are some frequently asked questions we get from parents. If you have any questions that are not answered here, please feel free to contact the school.
What should I send to school with my child on the first day?
1. Their books, with their name clearly written on the outside
2. An old adult t-shirt for Art, please write name clearly on the t-shirt
What is the policy on lunches in the school?
We operate a healthy eating policy. Crisps, biscuits, bars (including cereal bars), fizzy drinks are not permitted. Your child will need a small piece of fruit for the 10am fruit break (from Senior Infants onwards) - please peel/cut fruit for your child.
They need a small snack for short break and a lunch for lunch break. Please send any drinks in a bottle or a beaker and not a carton.
What is school starting and finishing time?
School opens each morning at 8.50am. Please allow your child to walk into the classroom by themselves.
School finishes for Junior and Senior Infants at 1.30pm and for all other classes at 2.30pm. Please wait behind the wall and teachers will bring the children out at hometime.
What is the school uniform?
Junior and Senior Infants wear the school tracksuit every day.
For girls: Navy skirt/pinafore, light blue shirt, navy elasticated tie and a navy cardigan/jumper.
For boys: Navy trousers, light blue shirt, navy elasticated tie and a navy cardigan/jumper.
For P.E. children need to wear their school tracksuit and runners.
How can I meet the class teacher?
Request a meeting by messaging the teacher through the school app.
Formal parent teacher meetings are held in February each year. Written notice of meetings will be sent to parents in advance.
You can make an appointment to meet with the class teacher at other times during the school year if you consider it necessary. The teacher may also seek to meet with you. It is important that you do not drop into the classroom for an impromptu visit as the teacher will not be able to meet with you.
Should I allow my child to watch TV before school?
It is highly recommended that children do not watch TV before coming to school.
How do I get notes and information from the school?
All correspondence is through the school app.
Do I need to inform the school if my child moves house?
It is very important that the school has up to date contact information for each child. Please inform teacher/secretary of any changes to address, phone number, minders details etc as we may need to contact you if your child becomes ill or has hurt themselves in school.
What do I do if my child is absent from school?
You must fill in the Absence Note on the school app.